Profiles on Facebook's
'Old Ridgefield' Group
Here is a list of more than 190 profiles of Ridgefielders posted as Who Was Who on the "Old Ridgefield" Facebook Group as of Sept. 21, 2016:
Abbe Family,
Abbot, Dr. Joel,
Adler, Larry,
Aldrich, Larry,
Allan, Edwin B,
Allee, William H,
Allen, William I,
Ancona, Joseph,
Atherton, John,
Babin, Jacqueline,
Bacon, Peggy,
Bailey, Annie Keeler,
Baker, Paul,
Bedini, Silvio,
Beers, Henry I,
Bennett, Harry,
Biow, Milton,
Bishop, Sarah,
Bissell, H.P,
Blackwell Betsy Talbot,
Blankenship, William,
Blum, Dr. Harry,
Blumgarten, James,
Boring, Wayne,
Boyce, Walter,
Brown, Eliphalet,
Buhrman, Bert,
Carboni, Benvenuto,
Carroll, Leo F,
Chekhov, Michael,
Cleves, Mabel,
Coca, Imogene,
Coleman, Rev. James,
Copland, Aaron,
Copp, John,
Costanzi, James,
Couch, Edward J,
Crocker Family,
Crosby, Fanny,
D’Addario, Dom,
Dick, Edwina Eustis,
Dielman, Frederick,
Donovan, Jeremiah,
Dowling, John E,
Dutton, E.P,
Eason, Myles,
Farrar, Geraldine,
Farrar, Sidney,
Fast, Howard,
Fawcett, Robert,
Fields, Gail Rogers Glissman,
Fossi, Louis J,
Franklin, Fabian,
Fry, Varian,
Gabor, Jolie,
Gage, D. Smith,
Gilbert, George Washington,
Gilbert, Victor,
Gilchrist, Huntington,
Gilkes, Lillian B,
Gillum, Pinky,
Gold, Andrew,
Goldstein, Mel,
Goodrich, Samuel, Parley,
Grafton, Samuel,
Green, Herb,
Gunther, Max,
Haight, John F,
Haight, Robert S,
Hampden, Walter,
Hanley, William G,
Hepburn, Emily Eaton,
Herrick, Gerard,
Hightower, John,
Hoban, Fairfield,
Holleran, Clifford,
Horblit, Harrison and Jean,
Hoyt, Irene,
Hughes, John B,
Hull, Harry E,
Jacob, Sereno,
Jacobsen, Sacha,
Johnson, Rev. Samuel,
Jones, Edward,
Joseph, James,
Kampen, Irene,
Keefe, Tammis,
Keeler, Capt. Benjamin,
Kemble, E.W.,
Kilcoyne, Marie,
Knox, Edward M,
Kraus, Robert,
Landegger, Karl,
Landis, Jessie Royce,
Leonard, Elizabeth,
Levy, B.E,
Lounsbury, George E,
Luce, Clare Boothe,
Maine, Florene,
Mallon, Mary,
Martin, Francis D,
McGlynn, Richard T,
McGovern, Gordon,
McNamara, Walter,
Medynski, Father Francis,
Meltzer, Alan,
Minot, Dr. Henry,
Mitchell, John Ames,
Montgomery, Douglass,
Moorhead, Lillian,
Moss, Donald,
Nash, Charles S,
Nelhybel, Vaclav,
Nevin, Hardwick,
Nevins, Allan,
North, Alex,
O'Neill, Eugene,
Oexle, William,
Oliphant, Elmer Q,
Olmsted, Ebenezer,
Olsen, Olaf,
Orrico, John,
Paccadolmi, Phyllis,
Paddock, Archibald Y,
Perlin, Bernard,
Perry, Gen. David,
Petroni, Romeo,
Pierrepont, Seth Low,
Pontello, Mike,
Recht, Charles,
Regney, Noel,
Remington, Frederic,
Richardson, Anne S,
Risch, Joan,
Roach, Joseph,
Roberts, Gail,
Rockelein, Conrad,
Rogers, Donald I,
Rome, Harold,
Rosa, Kathryn Venus,
Ross, C. Chandler,
Rowland, Alice V,
Rowley, John,
Ryan, Cornelius,
Ryan, Kathryn Morgan,
Safford, Theodore,
Salerno, Bartholomew T,
Salvo, Adam,
Scalise, George,
Scarry, Richard,
Scherf, Captain Meinhard,
Schuster, Patricia,
Scott, John Walter,
Scripps, Robert P,
Servadio, Gildo,
Shapiro, Joseph,
Shaughnessy, Thomas,
Sheehan, Dr. James,
Sheeler, Charles,
Shields, Hugh,
Shields, Laura Curie Allee,
Sholes, D. Smith,
Shortell, Richard E,
Skandera, Michael,
Smith, Duncan,
Sonnichsen, Eric,
Spong, Hilda,
Stebbins, Henry G,
Stengel, George,
Stevens, Carlton Ross,
Stockli, Albert,
Thomas, Harry,
Thomas, Norman,
Toffler, Alvin,
Trahey, Jane,
Turner, Aaron,
Ullman, Paul,
Van Lidth de Jeude, Erland,
Velte, Paul,
Vetter, George,
Wagoner, Philip D,
Warrups, Chicken,
Weissmann, Frieder,
Wheeler, John N,
Wilder, Gen. Wilber,
Wilk, Max,
Wills, Ruth E,
Wilmot, Tony,
Wohlforth, Mildred,
Wood, Lee B,
Profiles of notable Ridgefield, Connecticut, people of the past, along with musings on nature in suburbia and meanderings into The Old Days.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
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The Jeremiah Bennett Clan: T he Days of the Desperados One morning in 1876, a Ridgefield man was sitting in a dining room of a Philadelphi...

T he Bradford pear is a “street tree” that’s blessed with benefits and cursed with shortcomings. A cultivar of an Asian tree, the Bradford...
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Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl: A Last Link In her long life, Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl had many claims to fame, both locally and nationally....
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